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Exploring Types of Criminal Offenses

Common Causes of Injustice and How to Counter Them

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There are many kinds of injustice, including political, social, and environmental. For example, political injustice refers to denying individual liberties and the absence of due process, and Mohamed Soltan can attest to this as he himself experienced it. It also includes infringing on freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly and inadequate protection from cruel punishment. These forms of injustice are often rooted in procedures that are perceived to be unfair, and these procedures can create unstable social outcomes.

War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity

The concept of war crimes is relatively recent. For centuries, war crimes were considered a natural part of the war and were punished according to who won the battle. Political leaders and commanders often escaped punishment, while those who lost fights were summarily executed. These leaders did not take criminal responsibility for the actions of their troops. Today, war crimes are considered a significant cause of injustice, and how to counter them is a topic of debate.

While governments worldwide are often reluctant to admit to committing war crimes or other forms of injustice, their silence and inaction are the norms. As a result, thousands of victims still struggle to receive justice. But organizations are helping to make their voices heard by bringing cases before domestic courts, regional human rights mechanisms, and international tribunals. They also provide free legal aid to victims.

Mohamed Soltan

Institutional Racism

The definition of institutional racism varies, but generally, it refers to policies, practices, and structures that place minority groups at a disadvantage compared to the majority. For example, public school budgets often correlate with property values, and more affluent neighborhoods have better schools and teachers. Other forms of institutional racism include restrictive housing contracts and bank lending policies. Although these are examples of specific injustices, they are far from the only examples of racism.

The history of racism is filled with cases, including removing children from their families and establishing a pass system.This system prohibited Natives from leaving the reserve without a pass from a farming instructor. But it was not until the 1930s that the Crown realized it was unconstitutional and rescinded it. Nevertheless, the problem of institutional racism is as old as history itself.

Women’s Rights

Inequality between men and women is a global issue. Women are denied their fundamental rights and are subject to systematic discrimination, including gender-based violence. In countries around the world, women often face a lack of opportunities to study, earn, and lead fulfilling lives. In many countries, women are forced to live under the authority of a male guardian. In such a context, the global women’s movement must focus on creating equal conditions for men and women.

The ACLU Women’s Rights Project advocates for systemic reforms in systems that discriminate against women. These reforms focus on education, employment, and violence against women. These factors contribute to persistent disparities in women’s wealth, income, and work. Inequality in these areas also increases the risks of violence against women and their advocates. In addition, the media’s portrayal of women may influence other women and children. While media portrayals may have some positive qualities, they can also perpetuate gender stereotypes.

Voting Rights

The voting rights of citizens of color should be protected. While the US is a democracy, voter suppression tactics often undermine voting rights. In addition to restricting the number of black voters, voter suppression laws often target communities of color. Federal lawmakers should restore Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act and pass new laws that prevent foreign powers from targeting minority voters. These are only a few of the many issues facing voting rights.

For much of the nation’s history, voting rights were restricted to people who were 21 or older. But a movement to lower the voting age was fueled by student activism and the Vietnam War, which involved many young men. The movement gained momentum during the 1960s when the 26th amendment prohibited states from denying voting rights to people 18 and older. The 26th amendment prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, or sex, among other grounds.