Career Goals for Finance Majors

You’ve graduated with your degree in finance and have completed your impressive internship. You have the knowledge you need to assist with financial advice for individuals or corporations. Now it’s time to map out your career plan. There are many things you can do with a finance degree.
Expert Witness
When issues such as bank fraud come to light, the attorneys who work the case often need testimony from people whose expertise on the subject outweighs their own. You can serve as a financial expert witness in these cases. You work with the attorney who hires you to provide insight into the alleged offense.
Investment Banker
An investment banker helps clients choose the best way to allocate their money for growth. These advisers stay current on the lucrative stocks and bonds that are likely to yield the greatest returns for their clients. They create unique portfolios for each person or family depending on the level of risk the client is willing to take.
Financial Planner
When clients want advice about their overall financial plans, they seek certified financial planners. You evaluate their current financial health and create plans for saving and investing to take them into the future. If you are strong in financial goal setting, this may be a great career for you.
Chief Financial Officer
If your interest leans more toward corporate finance, you may thrive as a chief financial officer. This position combines financial planning and advising for a company. The CFO tracks revenue and expenditures to develop a solid financial strategy for the organization. You typically lead a team of financial experts who collaborate to make the best decisions for the company, so some managerial experience is probably required.
Your finance degree provides you with the basic information you need to get your career started. It’s what you do with that information that determines your success.